Andrea’s estate planning practice stems from the desire to help people avoid unnecessary pain and suffering surrounding the loss of a loved one. Being in the legal profession for 20+ years, she’s seen some messy and downright heartbreaking situations.
Our signature Estate Armory package furnishes you with everything you and your loved ones need when the time comes.
Andrea has experience in zoning for residential, commercial, and industrial properties, and the research and negotiations necessary to acquire approvals and make progress for our communities, and businesses.
Permitting large projects under the Clean Water Act in the age of ever-changing regulations and policies requires more than a command of the law, politics, economics, and environmental aspects. It requires dogged determination.
Andrea Gray has 20+ years of experience as an environmental consultant for large-impact Clean Water Act permitting projects including drinking water reservoirs.
Representing a local government is a privilege, and while the client takes the form of commissioners, council members, chairmen, and mayors, the actual beneficiaries of our services are the taxpayers. It’s important to be mindful of being a good steward of public monies expended on my services. Responsiveness, efficiency, and competency are the keys to effective representation of a local government.